Expanding an Industry

Our goal is to transform and expand the watch making technical profession from where it is today – into what it could possibly become tomorrow. 




Why build watchmaker co

The Need Is Vast

A google search for ‘How many Watchmakers are there in the world?’ will reveal that as of writing this, there are currently 25,000 watchmakers in the world. This number is staggering – considering that every year there are millions of new watches produced, as well as the tens of millions of timepieces already out in circulation. 

The need to grow the Watchmaking profession is clear – and so it has become an effort of passion and concious need that drove the Watchmaker Co team to create this online community. 

With every generation, industries must evolve and learn to distribute knowledge, resources, and opportunities in a way that is appealing for the new professionals. 

Our team’s focus is to build a platform that is easy to understand and utilize – because we believe it will help to bring today’s top industry professionals together to extend their knowledge to the new generations of watch industry professionals. 

By building simple tools – that work and function a lot like today’s social media platforms, we can remove barriers of entry for many current industry professionals – as well as eliminate barriers for those interested in watchmaking to take up the cause of this lifelong endeavour and artform. 

Watchmaker Co - An online community for Watchmakers and all Watch Industry Technical Professionals

About Watchmaker Co

The Watchmaker Co platform is built and designed by watch industry professionals with a technology background. Partnering and working with leading watchmakers, technicians, and other industry professionals – we have created the next generation of online community for the watchmaking industry as a whole. Our goal is focused on connecting watch industry professionals, expanding the number of professionals out there – and providing resources to aspiring industry professionals to help accelerate their career paths. 

We are committed to providing you with the tools to do you job, learn about the watch industry in general, and providing you with opportunities for pursuing a career in watchmaking or any of the related professions. 

our audience

Who Is This For?

Established Professionals
If you are someone who has worked in the watchmaking industry for any amount of time – you have definitely felt what feels like a vast void of connection between you and other watchmaking professionals. Whether that is through design, or through a lack of available tools – everyone currently in the watchmaking industry has experienced to come extent the disconnect of a structured and focused watchamking community. 

You Are New To This
Maybe you didn’t intend to get into watchmaking; maybe you simply picked up a tool, watched a video, or someone told you about a local pro looking for some help. No matter the reason, you find yourself trying to navigate the vast world of watchmaking. You are unsure if this is something you want – or if it is something that is even a viable career path for you.